Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Stop Focusing on Test Scores

Civil Beat shared an article recently: Data Shows a Dramatic Difference in Test Scores Between Hawaii Schools.  

Stop already! These headlines and articles about declining test scores, both locally and nationally, are not helping schools; in fact, they may be adding to the challenges and stressors our public schools are already facing with declining enrollment, disengaged students, exhausted teachers, and political discord. The problem is not the students or the teachers. The truth is that the old model of K-12 schools is no longer applicable or relevant for today’s students. In our rapidly-changing 21st century world, it is more important than ever for schools to prepare students for their futures instead of preparing students for high-stakes testing. 

Of course our kids need to learn to read, write, and learn history, science, and the arts. Of course they need to have math knowledge. But the way they learn essential skills and knowledge does not have to be through one-size-fits all (boring) textbooks and workbooks, with end-of-unit tests that often measure short-term recall rather than long-term application. It doesn’t mean students need to be in classrooms with grade level peers following grade level standards. Our classrooms should be exciting places of learning with students working in diverse groups to grapple with problems that impact us now and in the future. In the process, students read and research, discuss, listen, summarize, learn by doing, and make sense of what they learned. They ask questions which often leads to more questions and even deeper learning. Students come up with possible solutions and agree on how they will share what they learned with an authentic audience. When students work with others, they learn the value of teamwork and listening to other points of view. They learn to recognize and embrace their own strengths, interests, and challenges as well as those of their peers. The teacher is an active learner in that classroom as well, guiding students in their learning, asking probing questions, and providing specialized instruction and feedback when necessary. 

Realizing that the old model of school was not meeting the needs of today’s learners, schools across the nation and in our world have transitioned to make education more relevant for their students. Project-based or problem-based learning, language-immersion schools, international schools, learning academies, and work apprenticeships are a few examples of how education is evolving. In those settings, students are engaged, learning about and working on problems that impact them now and in the future: food sustainability, trash, homelessness, immigration challenges, climate change, transportation, cultural issues . . . the list is endless. With teacher guidance, students are delving deeper into the kinds of problems that adults and government leaders are grappling with. It is real-world, important work. There may not be a common test for students at the end, but there is accountability; students document their learning journey through reflective journals, videos, tools like Unrulr, or individual conferences with their teachers. Check out the What School Could Be on-line community; the movement to reimagine education is thriving throughout the world. And when students are engaged in these real-world projects, they truly become empathetic problem-seekers and problem-solvers. 

Imagine a world where students learn to work with others and to advocate for their ideas with their team members from the time they enter kindergarten and throughout their educational experience. They become better listeners, are able to communicate their thoughts and feelings, and learn to compromise. As students work with those who may come from different backgrounds or who have different experiences, they will hopefully develop empathy, the ability to see things from another person’s perspectives and to feel their emotions. I firmly believe that empathy is lacking in many adults today, and that is what has led to a deep divide in our communities and across the nation. 

And it starts with school. As long as we continue to focus on test scores and dividing students based on their academic ability, we will have failed a significant number of those who may not fit the model of a “good student” but who have important skills and ideas that will be valued in their adult life. We can and must do better. 

So let’s stop focusing on test scores and reimagine school instead. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

I Shed a Few Tears Last Night

 I had never cried over any election results before, even when my husband lost two elections in his political career. But I shed a few tears last night. 

The results of the election hit me hard. I was cautiously optimistic, certain that our citizens would elect the most qualified person who had viable plans for our country’s future. My heart was heavy as the results were revealed, and I hurt. I hurt for the suffragettes who came before us who fought for the right for women to vote. I hurt for those who hoped that maybe one day, their daughter or granddaughter might break the glass ceiling and become the first woman President. I hurt for women legislators who had to fight to provide equal opportunities for females through legislation such as Title IX. I hurt for parents and educators who encouraged young ladies to be their best, to study hard, and to not be afraid to enter fields that were previously male-dominated. The election of the first woman President in our country would validate for young girls that they, too, could aspire to the highest office in our country. 

It was not to be . .  . again. 

Earlier this summer, I reshared a blog I had written back in 2016 (“Why is It Taking So Long?). I also wrote a short blog (“Our Children are Watching”) because I was so concerned about all the name-calling and misinformation on mainstream and social media. I read tweets from both sides of the aisle; I watched the short snippets that were posted of the candidates speaking at rallies, on podcasts, or in interviews. I was constantly checking my phone for updates. It was exhausting, but I couldn’t or wouldn’t stop. 

I didn’t support Kamala because she is a woman; I loved her message of hope for all of us who call the United States of America our home. I loved her plans to take our country forward and to unite our nation of its divisiveness. I was (almost) convinced that America would make the right choice, and I was so, so hopeful. But I was wrong.

Today, Dan Rather shared a post on Steady, titled “Now What?” He writes, “Let yourself grieve, but don’t surrender to despair.” I am taking his words to heart. We don’t know what the future will hold for us, but as this Native American quote states: We don’t inherit this world from our ancestors. We borrow it from our children.” Let’s work together to make a difference for them. 

I don’t know how many more times I will have the opportunity to vote for our President of the United States. If I live to 100 (!), that’s 7 more chances. Maybe, just maybe, I will see our first woman President. 

Play Jazz, Not Classical (essay)

I remember my school leader training many years ago. The principal-presenter shared this message with us at the conclusion of his inspiring presentation. He said, “Play jazz, not classical.” Little did I know that those four words would guide me throughout my years as a principal.

What did play jazz mean? I believe it gave me permission to improvise, to be spontaneous, to take risks. As a school leader, I needed to build relationships, to value people for their strengths as well as their challenges, to greet each day as an opportunity to make a difference, and to continuously improve. It meant trusting our staff to be their best as they worked collaboratively to make our school work so our students could thrive. And just as jazz musicians have moments in a performance to solo, to improvise and create their own unique sounds and rhythms spontaneously, we needed to give our staff and students opportunities to shine, to share, and to be recognized for the work they do.

Classical music, on the other hand, is structured and follows a written score. Each member of the orchestra must know their part and how they fit into the whole performance; there is no deviation from the musical score. If I were to describe classical school leaders, I would say that they focus more on compliance and fidelity, on ensuring that every teacher is implementing the agreed-upon curriculum, and on enforcing guidelines for assignments and assessments. 

As I embarked on my school leader journey, I worried that there might be a disconnect between what I believed school could be and what was expected of me. I was aware that generally our school systems had changed very little since the Industrial Age, with neat rows of students and the teacher in front of the classroom. Teachers followed a curriculum based on grade level or course requirements, and students completed assignments and met expectations in order to move on to the next level. Most schools are structured like classical music. I wanted to play jazz. How could I best straddle the fine line between what school could be and what was expected of me as part of a statewide education system?

I searched for answers. I listened to other principals at meetings and training sessions. I read articles and books. I became more comfortable straddling the line between classical and jazz. A game-changer for me was when our school librarian showed me the power of on-line connections via Twitter. Reading other Tweets, joining on-line community discussions, and sharing my concerns and questions–and receiving suggestions from other school leaders–gave me confidence, knowing that I was not alone in my vision for our school. I joined a Google community for education leaders, began reading educator blogs, and I learned to walk a fine line between following required mandates while being flexible and honoring our school’s vision. Our teachers and students thrived in this joyful, collaborative environment focused on deeper learning. Students, teachers, and parents embraced project-based learning, and they were truly making a difference in their community. As a military-impacted school which served students from schools across the nation and the world, it was gratifying when parents shared how proud their children were to share their learning. “All schools should teach this way,” was a common theme in their parent surveys. 

And then I retired, and the world changed. It’s hard for me to fathom the changes that have taken place in our world. In those six short years, we experienced a worldwide pandemic, Zoom became a household word, natural disasters and climate change continued to cause havoc in our world, and artificial intelligence burst into our lives, enabling a computer or robot to perform tasks that, in the past, were reserved for humans.

Today, our world has become increasingly divisive, and schools are confronted with challenges such as the banning of books and curriculum content, an increase in school violence, and addressing gender equity issues. This has resulted in concerns about student and staff mental health and well-being. At the same time, schools are dealing with teacher burnout, teacher shortages and the lack of adequate compensation for the increased workload teachers are experiencing. Some of these issues were already brewing pre-pandemic, but they seem to have magnified in the last few years. 

I believe strongly that professional learning needs to be tailored to support teachers as they navigate these challenging times. We can introduce teachers to resources that are accessible, free, and available as professional learning tools. I read blogs and articles, listen to podcasts, and engage on social media. Perspectives from different educators have given me new insight into how schools or districts make learning meaningful for students. Additionally, as a host for “Elevating Teacher Voice” in the What School Could Be community, I have had the opportunity to invite guest bloggers to share their writing and to engage in discussions afterwards. Earlier this year, Jennifer D. Klein was a guest on our virtual event, and she shared her writing piece, Manifesto on a Life in Education: A Call to the Next Generation of Educators. Although I had already read this blog ahead of time, hearing Jennifer read it aloud was powerful and emotional. The conversation afterwards was rich, and I left the session grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the discussion with Jennifer. These “Elevating Teacher Voice” guest writers share powerful blogs and I gain new perspectives on education, whether I am actively engaged or quietly listening and reflecting. For the writers, it is an opportunity to receive feedback, to answer questions, to clarify their thinking, and to hear from others about the impact of their writing. For the listeners, it is an opportunity to reflect on what was heard, to ask questions, to add to the conversation, and to come away with new ideas. 

Back in 2018, just as I was getting ready to retire, I read Ted Dintersmith’s book, What School Could Be. His retelling of his journey across America to visit two hundred schools in all fifty states gave me hope that maybe, finally, we could reimagine education as one that engages students, encourages them to be problem-seekers and problem-solvers, and gives them the tools to be self-directed critical thinkers who can make a difference in this world. Ted visited our state last, and here’s what he wrote: “I visited one spectacular school after another all across Hawai`i. They were all types (public, private, and charter), with kids of all backgrounds, achieving impressive results in all sorts of ways.” He added, “These visits were like watching the finale of the Fourth of July fireworks celebration–one spectacular burst of innovation after another.” Reading this book made me realize that many schools across our nation are already playing jazz, not classical. We don’t often hear about those schools, but it gave me hope for the future of education for our children. 

Those of us who believe that education can be the key to creating a better world in the future will continue to do this work. Let’s invite and encourage more people to join the jazz band!

Friday, November 1, 2024

Play Jazz, Not Classical

 I was asked to write an essay for the Chronicle in tthe What School Could Be community. I struggled, and my original piece was not to my satisfaction. I wanted to write something that would resonate with educators.

I was reminded of how challenging writing can be.  I was reminded of the time I wrote my books; it took many drafts, many revisions, and lots of rewriting, based on comments from my editor. It’s true that a writer needs to have a thick skin. I needed to listen to others in order to improve what I had written. Writing this essay reminded me of how much I appreciate that process. 

My essay is available at this link. https://www.whatschoolcouldbe.org/blog/play-jazz-not-classical

I would love your feedback 😊