Tuesday, March 8, 2016

15,000+ Views

Back in July 2012 when I first started blogging, I wasn't sure how long it would last. It was difficult to conceive of actually putting my thoughts and reflections out there for the public to read. In fact, in my third blog, I was already asking myself "What Was I Thinking?" At that time, I was struggling; I've written lots of different types of writing as a principal: memos, letters, emails, reports, and applications. But I never wrote my reflections or thoughts and then shared them publicly with others.

I'm glad I didn't give up. At first, I tried to write regularly, but that was stressful because I couldn't always think of a topic I wanted to write about. Then I decided to just write when I had something to share. That might not be what other bloggers do, but for me, it works.

It is now March 2016, and I continue to blog. In fact, I just surpassed 15,000 pageviews and to me, that is amazing! Some posts are more popular than others; the one that has had the most readers was one I wrote back in 2013 titled, "It's More than a Place to Borrow Books," and it has received over 630 views! In fact, that post needs to be updated because there are even more changes that have been implemented in our library despite the fact that we are in temporary classrooms while awaiting the completion of our new library media resource center. I must make it a point to update that blog when we move into our new building later this school year.

Some of my reflections have been personal; the one I wrote when my Dad passed away was therapeutic and helped me through the grieving process. Another of my favorite posts is about my youngest son and his decision to join the Air Force. Others have been about our school or our Department or about the state of education in our country.  I do my best to be positive and not to criticize without offering possible solutions.

The major challenge to blogging regularly is that it does take time and sometimes, the ideas and words don't flow easily. For me, though, it's been a great opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and to share my reflections, my experiences, and my personal thoughts about education.  It has been a wonderful learning experience for me, and I plan to continue adding to my blog. It has been empowering to know that what I write might have a positive impact on another educator.

Thanks for reading!

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