Monday, May 14, 2018

"Kaulele - To Soar!"

Our school community was the recipient of a $100,000 Art in Public Places/ Artists in Residence grant. This past Saturday, our artwork was installed. Please see a slideshow about the process. This has been a wonderful learning experience for me! Our school vision and project-based learning processes guided us in our decisions.

Link to presentation: "Kaulele - To Soar!"


  1. Very cool watching this creation get created via slide show. When I arrived this morning, I certainly noticed its presence and was impressed. From a distance I did think 'eagle' but couldn't quite get around the wave and eagle connection. I had 'guessed' something with waves earlier. Now that I know it to be an `io instead of an eagle, I am even more pleased.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Keith! This has been such a learning process for me; I am grateful to have had this opportunity.

  2. Thank you for documenting every part of this creation. Having the knowledge and understanding of this art piece is extremely important. I was a bit confused when I first saw it. My lifestyle involves the ocean almost everyday and I thought to myself, I have never seen an Eagle under a wave? I dont get it? Obviously its not an eagle. Having the knowledge and understanding of its meaning, which everyone should know, will surely allow you to appreciate this art piece. Would it be possible to change our mascot to a Hawk "'io.... Just a thought :0)

    1. Thank you for your comment, aul`i. The story behind the sculpture is really individualized to our school; that's what I love about it. As for changing our mascot . . . I don't know if that's a possibility.
