Friday, January 22, 2021

A Metaphor for Hope

I love to post photos of rainbows on social media. I’ve been fortunate to capture some unusual or especially vibrant ones on my walks around our neighborhood. Yesterday, I posted this photo while we were in the car. 

As I write this blog post, more than 410,000 Americans have died from Covid-19, and 24.7 million have been infected. This pandemic has drastically altered our lives, and though we all thought it would be over in a few months, that has not happened. 

But I have optimism and hope that things will change. The vaccine is now available, and though many of us are not able to get it yet, we appreciate that our essential workers and kupuna (elders) are the priority. In Hawaii, some of our educators and school staff have already been vaccinated, and others are waiting. Hopefully, this will mean that schools can begin to reopen safely.

This is a perfect time for schools as well as the public to reflect on and to realize that our educational system needs a reboot. We cannot keep relying on test scores and grade point averages to define success. We need to focus on our students - their strengths, their needs, their interests - and help them to pursue their passions. 

During this pandemic, my husband and I watched a lot of DIY (Do It Yourself) shows like “Restoration,” “Maine Cabin Masters,” and “Overhauling.” I am amazed at the knowledge, the skills, and the pride that is evident in the workers throughout these shows. They do outstanding work, problem-solve constantly, work together, and consult with experts, all while keeping within the budget. I wonder what they learned in school and what they learned on their own.

I am filled with hope. My caption for this photo was, “After the rain comes rainbows and then sunshine. I am looking forward to better days ahead.” Let’s all be filled with hope - for our nation, our state, our schools, and our children. They are our future.

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