Tuesday, November 13, 2018


I’ve been doing quite a bit of yard work since I retired. I find that it’s no longer a chore like it used to be when I was working. In fact, it’s relaxing and when I see the fruits of my labor, well, there is a sense of satisfaction. The yard is definitely not perfect, but it’s neater than it just was a few months ago! 

I’ve been watching this weed grow out of a rock. My first inclination was to pull it out, but I decided to observe its growth to see what would happen. I see it as a sign of resilience and individuality. While other weeds grow where the conditions are more amenable to their growth, this weed has chosen another growth path. It’s as if he is telling me, “Who said you need dirt to grow?” 

Isn’t this how some of our children are? There are some who need to be different, as if to prove that they CAN do it. They are individuals who have chosen to be different from others. We sometimes discourage them and try to steer them to the path we think they should take. . 

Let's remember that weeds and people can flourish in the most unusual places!

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