Thursday, September 19, 2024

Our Children are Watching

 Our children are watching. 

Our children learn much more than academics when they are in school. Schools provide an opportunity for students to  grow as people, to learn how to get along with others, to show empathy for those who may be struggling, to make new friends, to be responsible for what they say and do, to persevere when things are challenging, to listen to other viewpoints, to learn to lead as well as to follow, and to find the joy in learning together with their classmates. Schools are also important venues for learning life skills such as responsibility, perseverance, communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving, skills that students carry with them throughout their lives. 

When I was a principal, our behavioral expectations were simple: Take care of yourself. Take care of others. Take care of our school.  Most schools have similar behavioral expectations. We know that academic success is emphasized in schools, but kids who care about the world they live in and who contribute positively to their community is just as important. 

Which leads me to this: Our children are watching. These are very contentious times. The race for our nation’s leadership is on very public display. What are our children seeing on social media and the news media? Are the discussions, interviews, and debates positive and respectful?  What are the candidates’ plans to make our country and the world a better place? Are the candidates debating the issues and sharing accurate data?  Do they seek to unite us as a nation or to divide us? 

As a society, I believe it is our responsibility to leave this world a better place for the next generation, and that was always my goal as an educator. I constantly remind myself of the Native American proverb: “We do not inherit this world from our ancestors. We borrow it from our children.” I hope you agree that striving for a better world for our children should be the goal of all of us, but most importantly, for the next leader of our country. 

Monday, September 9, 2024

When Will We Learn?

There was another school shooting last week. It was the 45th school shooting this year, and it happened at the start of a new school year. Two students and two teachers were killed at Apalachee High School in Georgia. According to this Washington Post article,  there have been 417 school shootings since 1999 when 15 students died at Columbine High School. I remember the shock and the outrage that such a thing could happen in one of the schools in our country. Today, a school shooting is often relegated to the back pages of the newspaper. 

Back in February 2018, I wrote a blog post after the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, killing 17 people and injuring another 17. In the aftermath, those high school students became activists, advocating for sensible changes to the gun laws. They were passionate and articulate and organized March for Our Lives to “demand a world free of gun violence.“ Today, that organization continues to push for sensible gun control laws: 

As a retired school principal, school shootings continue to affect me immensely. I know that all of the practice drills and professional development trainings might not adequately prepare and keep our students and staff safe during an actual school shooting. Parents send their kids to school and expect us to keep them safe. Schools take that responsibility seriously.

Back in 2012, I wrote a blog about a lockdown situation at our school. (A Safe School) The situation was under control, but we could not relax until we got the all-clear from the military. I remember overhearing a parent come in the next day to request a form to homeschool her children. I went over to chat with her about her decision. She shared that when she heard about the lockdown, she experienced a high level of anxiety and stress. It was nothing against the school; she just needed to know that her children were safe. 

Many schools and school districts already face budget deficits. This article by Pew Research shares how schools have adapted to this new normal: “U.S. school security procedures have become more widespread in recent years but are still unevenly adopted.” When funds need to be allocated to changing door locks or installing video cameras or hiring armed security guards, that could mean eliminating staff or having to choose between upgrading technology for student use or providing mental health services for students who are struggling. 

There is no easy solution. But if we can agree that schools should be safe places for our students and staff, perhaps the discussion will be more productive and will lead to sensible solutions. I hope our country can agree on that. 

Friday, August 23, 2024

So Many Memories

 Our Mom passed away peacefully at her home on May 14, 2024. She was 96 years old at the time, and my siblings and I have been navigating the cleaning up of her home while we ponder our next steps. We knew this day would come eventually, and it’s not been easy.

Mom was a private person. As I shared in this blog from October 2015, Mom was special; she helped to shape my siblings and me into the people we are today. When Mom and Dad became grandparents, their home became the place-to-be on special holidays, for celebrations,  or for “corn parties” when Dad’s crop was ready to be harvested. These get-togethers were filled with stories and laughter and catching-up. We saw the grandchildren - our kids - grow up together as lifelong friends as well as cousins. Then these kids grew up and had kids of their own. Our family home that Mom and Dad bought back in 1969 was filled with even more laughter. 

Dad passed away in 2013 (Aloha, Dad). Since then, Mom lived alone in that 5-bedroom home. As she grew older, my siblings and I took turns spending time with her; we needed to watch her more carefully as she became less independent. And now, as we go through her drawers and closets, we’re getting an even greater insight about what made our Mom tick.

Mom loved her family, and as I cleaned out her desk drawers, I came across so many greeting cards and thank-you cards.  I hope Mom occasionally took them out to re-read because they were filled with sweet thoughts of appreciation and love. Mom and Dad also read the newspaper from front to back every day, I was surprised that she had cut out and saved articles written about or by her children and grandchildren and kept them in binders or file folders. As my siblings and I go over to clean and purge, we sometimes get caught up, looking through Mom’s photo albums or going through her scrapbooks. 

I know that especially in the later years, it was difficult to think of what to get Mom for her birthday, Mothers’ Day, or Christmas. As we clean, we are finding unused gift cards, brand-new items that were unwrapped but never used, clothes with the price tags still intact, and other well-meaning gifts that Mom never had the opportunity to use or enjoy. We are donating many of these items to charity, and we hope they will be enjoyed by those who receive them. 

We are encouraging our children (Mom’s grandchildren) to go through Mom’s items and to take things that they want or that remind them of her.  Three items I took from Mom’s home are a bracelet that the ladies at Wahiawa General Hospital made for newborns; our last name is misspelled, but I love that Mom kept all five of our bracelets. I also took my baby book; Mom had taped a penny from the year I was born on the first page and recorded my milestones including my first photograph. And I took my Dad’s bento-pail, his lunchbox, the one he took to work in the pineapple fields when they first got married. It was tucked way in the back of the kitchen cabinet What a find!

Mom and Dad bought their home when I was a senior in high school so I didn’t spend too many years there before getting married and starting our own family in our own home. Now that Mom and Dad have both passed, I know another family will move in and make their own memories in that special place. It would be impossible for me to share everything about what Mom and Dad’s home has meant to our extended family, and time has a way of moving on whether we like it or not. But I am grateful for all of the wonderful memories of Mom and Dad’s home, and I am hopeful that the next family will feel the love that we all shared in that special place. 

The bracelet that the volunteers made for newborns at Wahiawa General Hospital. The name is misspelled - it should be AMEMIYA - but it is nevertheless, a very special keepsake.

I knew Mom had a book for each of us, so when I became a Mom, I kept one for each of our sons. 

Dad’s bento (lunch) pail that he took to work when he worked as a laborer in the pineapple fields. 
It is still in great condition! 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

A Blog Post from 8 Years Ago is Still Applicable Today

As we navigate through all of the information and disinformation in this political year, I thought I’d re-post a blog I wrote back in 2016. My feelings haven’t changed in the nearly 8 years since I wrote this blog so I thought I’d repost it.

Why is it Taking So Long?

When I was in school, I never had a female administrator. My principals and vice principals from elementary school through high school were all male. They wore short-sleeved white shirts, dark pants, and dark ties and hardly ever smiled.  They were feared, and the threat of being sent to the principal's office kept everyone in-check. The rumor was that there was a paddle in the office; we never knew if it was true. We just knew that we didn't want to be the one to find out.

As a kindergarten student, I decided that I wanted to be a teacher, and throughout the rest of my school years, that was my goal. I loved teaching and when I became a mother, I had to find that balance between work and family. Honestly, becoming a mom made me a better teacher and a better time manager. I had to prioritize, and family came first..

I got into educational administration only after my own sons were older; two were in college and my youngest was in middle school. While they were in their formative years, I was the chauffeur, the coach, the one who went to meetings and performances. My husband came when he could, but his job often didn't allow him to attend. I didn't mind, and now when I look back, I have so many wonderful memories. I think that's how it is with many moms.

Times have changed for girls/women since I was growing up:

  • Traditional families back when I was little were like the Cleavers or the Nelsons. Mom stayed home and took care of the house and the kids. Dad went to work and was the primary breadwinner. Today, Moms often have to work to supplement the family income or because they are single parents. 
  • Title IX gives girls an equal opportunity to compete in sports. This has made a huge impact on our girls who now can receive full college scholarships for playing on an athletic team.
  • Girls are encouraged to go to college and enter fields that were previously male-dominated although they are still underrepresented in fields like engineering and mathematics.
  • Women can now do combat duty as members of the military.
  • Since the first woman was elected to Congress in 1916 - exactly 100 years ago - 313 women have been elected.  In Hawaii, 3 out of our 4 Congressional delegation are women (wow!) and presently, about 20% of the members of Congress are women. We've made advances in this area, but the number is still far from proportional.
Yet despite the advances women have made in society, we are still unable to break the glass ceiling in the United States. Other countries have elected women leaders - Indira Gandhi was elected as Prime Minister of India 50 years ago; Israel's Golda Meir was elected in 1969; and Margaret Thatcher served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom beginning in 1979. Why is it taking so long for those of us in the United States to elect a woman President?

From my perspective, women, despite their advances, must work extra hard to gain the respect from men and other women. If we cry, we are considered weak. If we don't show emotion, we are "cold." If we choose to get input before making a decision, people criticize us for being indecisive. If we swear, that is unladylike, and sometimes, a woman's opinions is drowned out simply because she is outnumbered. And her appearance? The public can be so critical and cruel.

I am quite certain that the first female principals had to prove themselves. They probably had to be extra tough to show that they could do the job. As time passed and more women were appointed to educational leadership positions, the principalship became less about being tough and more about being collaborative and working with school communities to ensure that children were learning in a safe, nurturing environment. Today, we probably have an equal number of male and female principals, and I am grateful for those first women principals for paving the way for others like me. 

One day soon, I hope our country will elect a woman President. When she proves that she can lead the country - her way - she will pave the way for others to follow and serve as a role model for girls and young women.

I hope to see that happen in my lifetime.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Feeling Optimistic

 It’s been a month since my last blog post. It’s not that I haven’t tried. I started several posts but deleted them. I couldn’t get past the first paragraph. I am determined to get this one done.

It’s been six years since I’ve retired. I wrote this blog, “So What’s Next?” on my last day of work back in 2018. Since then, much has happened in our world and in my life, and I continued to blog about my hopes, my thoughts, and my experiences. I still have strong ideas about our educational systems, but recently, I’ve been wondering if maybe I am too far-removed to share my opinions publicly. I had doubts.

But this past week, I had the opportunity to speak with several young teachers. We were sign-holding for a candidate in a local race, a candidate who received the endorsement of the teachers’ union. I started by asking questions to get to know them better  - where they teach, how long they’ve been teaching, how they navigate the challenges post-pandemic, and similar questions. 

As our conversation continued, I found myself feeling energized and excited. These teachers were looking forward to the new school year. They shared that they prioritized relationship-building with their students and colleagues. They also believed in  providing students with opportunities to maximize their strengths while providing intervention strategies when needed. They were open to trying ideas like team-teaching or project-based learning or learning centers. They shared positive opinions about their administrators whom they felt supported them and  helped them to grow as teachers and as people.

Three of the teachers I spoke with are in their second careers; they went back to college to get their education degree and definitely do not regret their decision. Two were working in schools while concurrently taking classes. It is evident that they love what they are doing and feel they are making a positive difference in their students’ lives. 

A few years ago, I wrote this blog post - “Should Our Best and Brightest Become Teachers?”  I think this is more applicable than ever today. We need an informed citizenry to tackle the problems in our community, in our state, in our country, and in the world. The teachers I spoke with recently are committed to educating our young people to be passionate, motivated, inspired learners who can make a difference. They are the kind of teachers we need for our students today. 

I am feeling optimistic!

Saturday, June 29, 2024

An Inspirational Teacher

Back in April 2022, I wrote a blog post titled, “Bold and Visionary Leadership” after sitting in on a virtual session of “Investing in Human Capital.” One of those leaders I highlighted was Candy Suiso; this is what I shared.

Those of us in education know about Candy Suiso, a remarkable educator who started a creative media program at a high school in one of the poorest communities in our state and turned it into a thriving production company where students are creating amazing videos and other media projects. Former students are returning to the school to teach the next generation of creative media students. (Watch Candy's TED-X talk here.)  

Today, my husband and I joined other invited guests, former and present students, community and educational leaders in our State, and proud faculty members and parents to celebrate the 30th Anniversary Reunion and Celebration of Searider Productions. Candy has retired as a teacher but is now the Executive Director of Searider Productions Foundation. In her new role, she has increased the number of real-world commercial and professional projects and opportunities for students. 

We were able to talk with and question students about their projects, and I was impressed with their poise, their confidence, and the quality of the work they produced. Since its inception in 1993, the program has graduated 7,000 students pursuing a Career and Technology Education certification in the study of Arts and Communication. Many have graduated with an Associates Degree in addition to their high school diploma, and a number have returned to their community and their alma mater to work with the next generation of students. Check out their website for more information on the many possibilities for students to learn skills and to contribute to their school or community.

Candy shared that when she first proposed her idea, people were doubtful that she could/would be successful because of the many societal challenges of the Waianae community. But Candy persisted, and her students thrived when given the opportunity to learn through video production. And with funds generated through their commercial and professional products and projects, students are able to travel to gain new experiences, opportunities they may not have had if they were not part of Searider Productions. 

A teacher can make a difference. Candy Suiso graduated from Waianae High School, left to attend college, then returned to teach at her alma mater. One teacher’s dream blossomed into an award-winning program which brings hope and pride to the students, their families, and the community.  

Congratulations to Searider Productions on your 30th Anniversary!

My husband Randy and me with Candy Suiso

Some of the many, many local and national awards won by the students at Searider Productions

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Can Our Students and Schools Be Advocates for Change?

 Back in 1993, I was hired to teach first grade at a new “high-tech” elementary school. I remember the trainings we received from Dr. David Perkins of Harvard’s Project Zero and feeling overwhelmed with the information. Then it all came together as our grade level teachers collaborated and created a unit based on the school’s theme of “change.” We titled our unit, “People Bring Change to the Environment.”

Our science resource teacher helped us to make sense of the grade level science standards and suggested that we address the issue of renewable and non-renewable resources.  I recall spending time together as a grade level, learning, discussing, planning, implementing, and reflecting afterwards. It wasn’t easy, but we were making learning rigorous and relevant for our first graders, and we learned about this important issue alongside our students. We started with brainstorming questions and documenting our learning, adding more questions and learnings in the process. We compared data about the amount of trash we were generating as a family, a classroom, a school, and society. We learned about the length of time it takes for different materials to decompose, about the 3 R’s and why it’s important to reduce, reuse, recycle, and so much more as we continued to delve deeper based on student questions. 

As a culminating activity, our students decided to take a walking trip in our community to pick up trash; we didn’t really know what the outcome would be, but the students were excited and determined to make a difference. Each classroom took a different route, and our area included the City Park-and-Ride lot; there was more trash than usual at that location. Some of our students observed that perhaps this was because there were no trash cans there. When we got back to school, we sorted and graphed the trash and the students made observations based on what they had learned. 

But they were most concerned that there were no trash cans at the Park-and-Ride. They wanted to do something about it and brainstormed ideas. Through their research, they found out that the head of the City was the Mayor, and they decided to write letters to him. They knew that the Mayor was  busy, so he might not reply, but they were undeterred.  They wrote in their best handwriting and shared their observation about the trash at the Park-and-Ride and the lack of trash cans. They drew pictures, added some information they learned about trash, and reminded the Mayor that their parents had voted for him. 😊

One morning a few weeks later, a student excitedly announced that they had gone past the Park-and-Ride, and there were trash cans! Our students had made a difference! I was so grateful to the City for listening to our students. I was hopeful that as these students continued in their life, they will remember that they have the capacity to make a difference, no matter how small it may seem to someone else.

This is a memory from 30 years ago, but it is still one of my favorites from my time as a teacher. Every one of my first graders was engaged in this unit of study, and parents shared that it made a difference in their shopping habits as well. I am hopeful that through this unit, students realized that every person can make a difference. Imagine if they had these kinds of experiences throughout their educational journey! School could change from being a place where teachers tell students what they need to learn (so they can do well on a test) to encouraging students’ questions and interests to create the kinds of experiences where students can drive their own learning. 

The students in that first grade classroom are now in their mid-thirties. They may even be parents now. I hope that when they recall their educational journey, they will remember that special time when they made a difference for their community. 

Note: Check out the What School Could Be virtual community to connect with educators who are committed to re-imagining learning for our students.