Saturday, December 8, 2018

Dear Jace and Jayden

Dear Jace and Jayden,
Grandpa and Grandma really enjoyed spending time with you last week on our last trip. I always feel that these trips are much too short and this one seemed to be more so because you were still in school. Nevertheless, I love that we got to share some quality time with you.

While we were with you, our 41st United States President, George H.W. Bush, passed away. I learned that he wrote letters to his grandchildren, letters that they cherish to this day. I decided that this would be a great time to write you a letter, too, and share some of my thoughts with you both.

Jayden mentioned that I remind him of Mama Bear in the Berenstain Bears books. Did you know that  your Dad, Uncle Jarand, and Uncle Jordan loved those books? . We read and discussed each one when they were published because they all were very applicable, addressing problems like messy rooms, too much TV, and sibling rivalry. I guess that thinking I am like Mama Bear is not a bad thing; she just wanted the best for her little bears.

After sharing time with you last week, I thought I’d suggest two bits of advice. I imagine that these could be themes in a Berenstain Bears book.

First, BE RESPONSIBLE. I know it’s hard to keep track of your things when you go from your Dad’s house to your Mom’s house. That’s why you need to figure out how to be responsible for your things for school and for activities like soccer and tennis. Maybe you will make a list for yourself or maybe you will get all your things ready the night before or maybe you will have another system that works for you.  Being responsible will help you tremendously as you get older. Start developing good habits now and you will be ahead-of-the-game.

Second, BE KIND. I asked you to share with me how you were kind to someone that day. Remember when I read you “Wonder?” When kids were kind to Augie, they realized what a neat kid he was. You might not realize it at the time, but a kind word or a compliment to someone can make a difference for that person and turn a bad day into a good one. You will discover that once you start being kind to others, your kindness might start to spread to others. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if everyone were kinder to others?

Take care and do your best. I can’t wait until we see you again in a few weeks!


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