Saturday, June 29, 2024

An Inspirational Teacher

Back in April 2022, I wrote a blog post titled, “Bold and Visionary Leadership” after sitting in on a virtual session of “Investing in Human Capital.” One of those leaders I highlighted was Candy Suiso; this is what I shared.

Those of us in education know about Candy Suiso, a remarkable educator who started a creative media program at a high school in one of the poorest communities in our state and turned it into a thriving production company where students are creating amazing videos and other media projects. Former students are returning to the school to teach the next generation of creative media students. (Watch Candy's TED-X talk here.)  

Today, my husband and I joined other invited guests, former and present students, community and educational leaders in our State, and proud faculty members and parents to celebrate the 30th Anniversary Reunion and Celebration of Searider Productions. Candy has retired as a teacher but is now the Executive Director of Searider Productions Foundation. In her new role, she has increased the number of real-world commercial and professional projects and opportunities for students. 

We were able to talk with and question students about their projects, and I was impressed with their poise, their confidence, and the quality of the work they produced. Since its inception in 1993, the program has graduated 7,000 students pursuing a Career and Technology Education certification in the study of Arts and Communication. Many have graduated with an Associates Degree in addition to their high school diploma, and a number have returned to their community and their alma mater to work with the next generation of students. Check out their website for more information on the many possibilities for students to learn skills and to contribute to their school or community.

Candy shared that when she first proposed her idea, people were doubtful that she could/would be successful because of the many societal challenges of the Waianae community. But Candy persisted, and her students thrived when given the opportunity to learn through video production. And with funds generated through their commercial and professional products and projects, students are able to travel to gain new experiences, opportunities they may not have had if they were not part of Searider Productions. 

A teacher can make a difference. Candy Suiso graduated from Waianae High School, left to attend college, then returned to teach at her alma mater. One teacher’s dream blossomed into an award-winning program which brings hope and pride to the students, their families, and the community.  

Congratulations to Searider Productions on your 30th Anniversary!

My husband Randy and me with Candy Suiso

Some of the many, many local and national awards won by the students at Searider Productions

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